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Conditions of Service

• The Creation Fee pays for the time and talent of the photographer and for your Design & Order Appointment. It does not include any finished prints. The Creation Fee is due at the time of scheduling your session. Creation Fees can be non-refundable if you cancel. However, sessions can be rescheduled provided you give adequate notice in case of an emergency.

• If you have a sick child on the day of the session please call to reschedule. If you try to keep the appointment, we will most likely request that you reschedule if we notice your child is sick. Sick or uncomfortable children do not like to be photographed and we know that you will not love your portraits nearly as much as if he or she was in good health.

• Please bring only the subjects to be photographed to the session. This is especially important with pets and kids, as we will need their full attention on the photographer rather than their looking at other members of the family. Of course, parents are always welcome!

• Personal cameras are NOT allowed during your session. Please refrain from taking Smartphone images or video recordings. We work very hard to ensure that your session is captured artistically and creatively. We ask that you respect our livelihood and refrain from taking any type of photographs of what we are creating.

• You agree to hold harmless Bill Gardner, his representatives, employees, and Bill Gardner Photography, from any dispute in the event you or your family become injured during your session or while on any recommended premises for taking or viewing images. Bill Gardner Photography and its representatives will not be held liable for any injury to you, your children, or your family members, or for any damage to your property during the photo session or while on any recommended premises.

• You will view your finished images at a personally attended slideshow during your Design & Order Appointment. You will be asked to order at this time. Please make sure all decision makers are present, as additional Design & Order Appointments will incur a $100 fee.

• Many Bill Gardner Photography clients invest in digital files. By purchasing one of our Packages, you will be able to take your digital files home with you as early as the day of your Design & Order Appointment. Due to the downloadable nature of this content, once files are in your possession, the sale is final and non-refundable.

• Clients who cannot make a decision about products or images during their Design & Order Appointment may schedule an additional ordering appointment for a $100 fee. We do NOT offer online galleries for viewing and ordering. Digital files cannot be released to you until full payment is made.

• While Bill Gardner Photography does capture many images during your Session, you will see only those images selected by the studio for previewing. The studio carefully renders each image to ensure maximum artistry and technical perfection. Images with eyes closed, heads turned, duplicates, etc. will not be shown and are removed from the archives permanently after the artist rendering is complete.

• Due to the custom nature of our work, payment for your order must be placed in full and could be subject to a 50% cancellation fee should you change your mind about an order AFTER it is placed. Once an order is sent to the lab or digital files are released to the client either by CD, DVD, USB, electronic transfer, or email, the order is deemed non-refundable. Payments may be made by cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, or American Express. Payment plans are available.

• Design work and any requested custom graphics will be approved for color and layout in-person on our professionally color calibrated monitors at the Design & Order Appointment. Only font style, spelling and wording may be approved through electronically emailed proofs. Requests for reprints due to color shift on emailed proofs will not be honored.

• Please allow 4 weeks for your order to be completed. Some orders may take longer. Your headshots and portraits are an investment and an heirloom that should not be rushed. You will be notified by telephone, text, or e-mail when your order is ready. As part of our service, we will personally deliver your order to you. However, if that is not convenient or possible, we can ship your order to you for a small additional charge. For your convenience, we offer professional wall art installation for all wall art products purchased through BGPhoto.

• All ordered images are kept on file for a period of 1 year. Any images that have not been ordered are removed from our archives after 45 days from the Design & Order Appointment Date. Any reorders placed more than 60 days after the Design & Order Appointment will require a minimum $250 reorder.

• The Federal Copyright Act protects photographers by giving us the exclusive right to reproduce your photographs. Violations include, but are not limited to, making illegal copies, scanning, printing from home, or downloading (or screen-capturing) from our website. It is illegal to copy or reproduce these photographs in any manner without our permission. Violators of this Federal Law will be subject to its civil and criminal penalties. Please understand that the photographer wishes to maintain complete control over the print quality, finishes and presentation of the images and that any reproduction outside of the studio may lower the quality of the image and scar our reputation for providing superior portraits. For full copyright information, please click here.

These Terms and Conditions of Service are effective as of January 12, 2025 and are subject to revision at any time. Please return to this page to see the most recent version of the Terms and Conditions of Service. 

Please click here for our Studio Policies.

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© Bill Gardner Photography | Web Hosting by FatCow 

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