While we pride ourselves for completing Professional Environmental Portrait Sessions with Custom Wall Art, designed to perfectly fit within our client’s style of home, furnishings, and color scheme, or Leather-Covered Heirloom Albums, we know there are many clients or prospective clients who only want to purchase exposure corrected, white balance corrected, and expertly retouched digital files. We now offer that option, and there is absolutely no minimum number of digital files that are required.
Your Investment in your Photography Session (Starting Prices):
For Custom Environmental Portraiture (Individuals, Families, Children, Adults):
Creation Fees start at $129
Please note that no products (Digital Files) are included in the Creation Fee.
What we do NOT offer in terms of Digital Files:
~ RAW Files (also known as Digital Negatives) produced by our cameras.
~ Digital Files that have not been exposure corrected, white balance corrected, or expertly retouched.
~ Digital Files that can be upsized from the purchased size and still print properly.
~ The right to edit the finished Digital Files. (Please note that it is against Federal Law to do so.)
What we DO offer in terms of Digital Files:
~ Digital Files than can be easily downsized from a larger size to any smaller size.
~ Digital Files that can be printed by you or any print service of your choice. (A license transferring print rights to you will be included with your Digital Files.)
~ Digital Files that can be both printed AND posted on Social Media.
~ Digital Files custom created for each client and designed to print perfectly at a specific size.
Your Investment in your Custom Created Digital Files (Does NOT Apply to Headshots):
Single High-Resolution Digital File (Printable up to 8 X 10): $95
- Buy any 4 High-Res Digital Files and get another High-Res Digital File FREE
Pick-of-Session High-Resolution Digital Files (ANY 20; Printable up to 8 X 10): $1,325 (30% Discount)
Low-Res “Social Media” Digital File - 1 for Each Wall Art Purchase (10 X 10 or larger): FREE
Low-Res “Social Media” Digital File - 1 for Each Image Included in Heirloom Album: FREE
Low-Res “Social Media” Digital File - With No Image Purchase Required: $45
- Buy any 4 Low-Res “Social Media” Digital Files and get another Low-Res “Social Media” Digital File FREE
Turn Your Digital File Image into a Painting:
- Digital Painting Effect Add-on: $85 extra per Digital File
Are you ready to book your Planning Appointment? Click the “Schedule an Appointment” button above (next to our BGPhoto logo) to get started! (You MUST accept Cookies in order to access the button.) Of course, you can always call us to schedule a Planning Session. If you’re not on a smartphone, our number is 833-376-7872 (that’s 833-3-PORTRAIT). You can also TEXT US at our regular phone number (833-376-7872).
Let’s Preserve Those Moments in Time!
© Bill Gardner Photography | Web Hosting by FatCow
Need help getting your kids ready for their photo session?
We have suggestions for you in a new FREE download! Whether you hire us or another photographer, the suggestions for preparing your kids for their special photo shoot are timely and helpful. Just provide us with your name and email address below to receive our FREE pdf.