More people and more industries are requiring headshots…whether it’s for social media, a personal website, a business website, for advertising purposes, for business cards. And the list goes on.
What exactly is your niche? If you appear on your local theater’s stage, you’ll need an Acting Headshot. If you’re trying to make a better impression in your social media posts, you’ll need a Special Headshot designed for the look you’re trying to impart. Do you have your own Real Estate business, or are you an agent who works for one? You’ll need a Business Headshot. If you’re in the medical field, you’ll also need a Business or Environmental Headshot. Are you trying to promote yourself as a musician? An Environmental Headshot or Natural Headshot, with your instrument, might be perfect for you.
What you can expect:
~ A free 20 minute Planning Session by phone.
~ Headshot Photo Session done on-location (at your home, office, or any location of your choice).
~ One hour or more allocated to your Headshot Session. No additional charge for more time.
~ Wardrobe Changes encouraged and included.
~ One low price includes your Session and choice of pose. All retouching is included. All Sessions conducted on the East End. An extra travel fee will be charged for out-of-area Sessions.
~ Additional poses available for purchase.
~ All purchased poses will be delivered to you via high-resolution digital file.
Your Investment in your Headshot Session:
Complete Session including 1 retouched Look (incl. Session Fee and 1 Digital File): $149
Each Additional retouched Look from same Session (incl. 1 Additional Digital File): $45
Are you ready to book your Headshot Planning Session? Click the “Schedule an Appointment” button above (next to our BGPhoto logo) to get started! (You MUST accept Cookies in order to access the button.) Of course, you can always call us to schedule a Planning Session. If you’re not on a smartphone, our number is 833-376-7872 (that’s 833-3-PORTRAIT). You can also TEXT US at our regular phone number (833-376-7872).
Let’s Preserve Those Moments in Time!
© Bill Gardner Photography | Web Hosting by FatCow
Need help getting your kids ready for their photo session?
We have suggestions for you in a new FREE download! Whether you hire us or another photographer, the suggestions for preparing your kids for their special photo shoot are timely and helpful. Just provide us with your name and email address below to receive our FREE pdf.